Thinking about my Dad and Father's Day naturally led me to think of my Pop-Pop. When he and my Mom-Mom moved back to NJ I was able to visit him often, and usually I'd head there to say hi for Father's Day. I miss that now.
One of my earliest memories from age 2-4 is of my Pop-Pop sneezing. Man could he sneeze. I remember playing with my favorite doll, Tender Love, in my bedroom and hearing him sneeze at the other end of our house. I was amazed by it. How could anyone sneeze so loud I wondered.
Well, as it turns out, it's all in the genes. See I've come to realize I have his sneeze. I'm in a meeting, trying to remain quiet and "ahchoo" and I get looks from everyone whose never heard it before. They think, "how can anyone sneeze so loud"? I used to be embarrassed by it, now while it's highly annoying I must admit, I just secretly laugh and think of my Pop-Pop.
I was his "Triner". He was in awe of my ability to get us home when I was just 4 years old. I don't know how many times he'd tell me that story and laugh with pride.
So I have come to accept my lot in life, loud sneezes. Now, if only I can channel is amazing whistling genes, lol!
I miss Pop-pop and your Dad, memories like this are good they keep them close to us.. ^_^